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Statement of account details

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Redacted document:


Membership Miscellaneous income
Donations Affiliations
Fundraising Branch
Transfers in Investments
Property and rental income/office services Profit/loss on sale of assets
Property and rental income/office services Unrealised gains and losses
Property and rental income/office services Commercial activities
Grant Conference
Unrealised gains and losses
Total income
Miscellaneous income notes:


Premises Miscellaneous
Branch Office
Transfers out Staff
Fundraising Campaigning
Depreciation Financing charges and taxation
Disposal of assets
Commercial activities Conferences
Disposal of assets
Total expenditure
Miscellaneous expenditure notes:

Assets & loans

Purchase of assets Sale of assets
New loan undertakings Capital repayment of loans
Net income/(expenditure) on assets/liabilities

Fixed assets

Property Fixtures & fittings
Office equipment Investment property
Other investments
Total fixed assets
Other investments notes:

Current assets

Cash in hand and at bank
Cash in hand and at bank Stock
Cash in hand and at bank Stock
Debtors/prepayments Other
Total current assets
Other notes:


Loans outstanding
Creditors/accruals Loans outstanding
Creditors/accruals Loans outstanding
Total liabilities
Net assets & liabilities


Accumulated fund brought forward Surplus/(deficit)
Asset value adjustments
Accumulated fund carried forward
Revaluation reserve Other funds
Total reserves
Other funds notes:


Net cash inflow/(outflow) Servicing of investments
Returns on investments Tax
Other activities
Increase/(decrease) in cash

Gains & losses

Surplus/(deficit) for year Reevaluation
Actuarial gain/(loss)
Total gain/(loss)
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