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Spending summary

Total expenditure:
Spending type:
Time period:
Click for more details:
Return submitted date:
Return item submitted date:
Published date:
Expense category name:
- Incurred by a person not authorised under section 75, but provided to us and published to further transparency.
Redacted invoice:
Unregistered campaigner name:
Joint campaign name:

Spending details

Date incurred:
Date paid:
Date expense until:
Date invoice received:
Amount paid:
Amount in England:
Amount in Scotland:
Amount in Wales:
Amount in NI:

Supplier details

Supplier name:
Is individual?:
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Address line 3:
Address line 4:
Additional information:

Joint Campaigners

Campaigner name
There is no joint campaigner information for this spending.
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